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Preventative health care in elderly women (2005-2006)

Primary investigator: Prof. Dr. Andreas Kruse

Chief research assistant: Dr. med., Dipl-Gerontol. Christina Ding-Greiner

Project Description

Differing ageing processes in men and women determine the increasing difference in physical and cognitive capacities and health condition between the sexes in older age. The aim of this study is to identify gender-related and class-related risks of illness and in health-related behaviour in order to develop concepts for prevention in older age.


1. Questionnaires for physicians (n =600) and for nursing staff (n = 200) in outpatient and inpatient care in the old and new Federal States (former West and East Germany). The questionnaires distinguished between two age groups, 55 to 75 and over 75 years, and the questions posed covered health conditions and health-related behaviour of the target groups, to be answered on the basis of the respondents' professional experience.
2. Semi-structured interviews with general practitioners and physicians (n=40), with experts in geriatrics, gerontopsychiatrics, nursing sciences and sports (n=20) and focus groups with nursing staff (n =60), which were viewed as a substantial addition to the questionnaires.
3. Interviews and focus groups with elderly women (n=160) and elderly men (n=40) concerning the following matters: (a) perception of the ageing processes, (b) current health condition, (c) developmental tasks, (d) social contacts and networks, (e) life satisfaction and (f) professional/working life and the transition to retirement.
4. Reanalysis of data sets
  • ILSE (Interdisziplinäre LängsschnittStudie des Erwachsenenalters, Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study of Adult Development): Sequential longitudinal study of medical and psychiatric problems, physical capacity, personality, social and spatial environment in two cohorts (1950/52 and 1930/32) in the Heidelberg and Leipzig regions.
  • ARISE (Angewandte Rehabilitationsforschung – Interdisziplinäre Schlaganfall Erhebung, Applied Rehabilitation Research: Interdisciplinary Stroke Evaluation): Longitudinal multicentric study to collect data on medical history, risk factors, every day competence and psychomotoric functions performed on four occasions among elderly patients who had suffered a stroke.
  • ESTHER (Epidemiologische Studie zu Chancen und Verhütung, Früherkennung und optimierten Therapie chronischer Erkrankungen in der älteren Bevölkerung, Epidemiological study on opportunities and prevention, early diagnosis and optimized therapy of chronic illnesses in the elderly population): Longitudinal epidemiological study on risk factors and indicators of chronic diseases and cancer.
5. Online literature survey on gender-related aspects of ageing in international databases (PubMed), books and scientific journals.


Kruse, A., & Ding-Greiner, C. (2007). Gesundheitliche Prävention bei Frauen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte.
Abschlussbericht an das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. Band 1. Überblick über die Projektergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Prävention [Preventive health care in elderly women. Final report for the German Federal Ministry of Health. Vol. 1. Survey of the study’s results and recommendations for health prevention]. Berlin: German Federal Ministry of Health.
Kruse A., & Ding-Greiner, C. (2007). Gesundheitliche Prävention bei Frauen in der zweiten Lebenshälfte.
Abschlussbericht an das Bundesministerium für Gesundheit. Band 2. Informationen und Handlungsempfehlungen für Frauen [Preventive health care in elderly women. Final report for the German Federal Ministry of Health. Vol.2. Information and recommendations for women]. Berlin: German Federal Ministry of Health.
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Latest Revision: 2012-11-01